Ford Awards $100,000 to Houston High School Seniors

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May 282019

Latino Traffic Report has learned that Ford Motor Company Fund and Houston area Ford dealers recently awarded $100,000 in Ford Driving Dreams scholarships to 50 senior high school students who participated in the “What Drives Your Dreams?” essay contest. This is the fourth year that Ford has helped Houston students pursue their academic dreams of going to college.

Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford Motor Company, celebrated the scholarship recipients at an evening event at the Space Center Houston. Students and parents heard from former NASA rocket scientist, actor, producer, TV host and motivational speaker Shayla Rivera, who inspired students to pursue their academic dreams and aspire for excellence in all they do. Community leaders and Houston Ford dealers joined the celebration.

Motivational speaker Shayla Rivera.

“At Ford Fund, we are proud to provide resources and scholarships to these talented students, and we are committed to continue to invest in the education of students of all ages,” said Joe Ávila, manager, community development, U.S. & Latin America, Ford Motor Company Fund. “Education is the cornerstone of strengthening communities and achieving a better quality of life for the next generation.”

Ford Driving Dreams was designed by Ford Motor Company Fund to help youth graduate on time and pursue higher education. The initiative has impacted more than 200,000 students across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Latin America since it was launched in 2012. It has delivered more than $10 million in educational resources. The scholarships are administered by the LULAC National Education Service Center, Inc. (LNESC). In addition to Ford Driving Dreams, Ford Fund educational programs in the U.S. include Ford Blue Oval Scholars, Ford Next Generation Learning, Ford College Community Challenge, and the Ford STEAM Lab. For more information, visit Find us at @FordDrivingDreams in Facebook and Instagram and follow the stories with #forddrivingdreams.

Honda, HSF Award Scholarships and Internships to Latino Students

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Aug 282017

Honda and Hispanic Scholarship Fund Honor Outstanding Latino Students with Scholarships and Internship Opportunities.

Latino Traffic Report offers congratulations to sixteen outstanding Latino undergraduate students from around the country were recently honored for academic excellence by Honda North America, Inc. and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) at the annual Scholar Awards Breakfast in Columbus, Ohio.

Each student is eligible to receive a scholarship up to $5,000 to help pay for tuition, books and living expenses, pending verification of fall enrollment. Recipients also had the opportunity to interview for Honda’s summer internship program.
“We are very excited to be able to maintain our relationship with the Hispanic Scholarship Fund and these incredibly talented students,” said Yvette Hunsicker, assistant vice president of the Honda Office of Inclusion and Diversity. “Honda believes in the next generation of leaders and with the proper support, their ability to achieve a college education. My hope is that they will all be working here at Honda someday.”

The students, who qualified for the program by earning at least a 3.0 grade point average, also traveled to Marysville, Ohio, for an inside look at Honda’s manufacturing, research and development operations. This trip included a tour of the Honda Heritage Center Museum, which tells the story of Honda’s North American history through an array of historic and current products.

“HSF is proud of our partnership with Honda,” said Fidel A. Vargas, President & CEO, HSF. “When a company with Honda’s global reach invests in young scholars in this exemplary way, the whole world can see that Honda is deeply committed to higher education, the Hispanic American community, and the future of our country.”

2017 Students Selected for Scholarship:

Ana Cervantes, Arizona State University, Chemical Engineering major

Ava Mauser, University of New Mexico, Chemical Engineering major

Bryce Gutierrez, Texas A&M University, Engineering, Chemical Engineering major

Christopher Casares, Brown University, Electrical Engineering major

Eglen Galindo, Stanford University, Industrial Engineering, Management major

Gabriel Rojas, Oregon State University, Mechanical Engineering major

Gerardo Valdes Bustamante, Colorado School of Mines, Mechanical Engineering major

Gustavo Salazar, University of California, Riverside, Economics, Chemical Engineering major

Isabel Perna, University of Miami, Industrial Engineering major

Joanna Rivero, University of Pittsburgh, Mechanical Engineering major

Junnior Rodriguez, Cypress College, Mechanical Engineering major

Manuel Lopez, University of Texas at Austin, Electrical Engineering major

Mario Macedo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering major

Paige Esguerra, North Carolina State University, Engineering, Chemical Engineering major

Paulo Montoya, Texas A&M University, Industrial Engineering major

Robin Franklin, University of Texas at Austin, Electrical Engineering major

Ten Latino Students Win Buick Scholarships

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Jun 152015

buick1The first four-year recipients to benefit from the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program are receiving their degrees this year as the General Motors Foundation today announced nearly $1.2 million in new scholarships of up to $25,000 a year for 50 students to pursue degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM.

Students can be selected for the scholarship after high school graduation or during any year of college study. Of the new class of recipients, 62 percent are first-generation college students and 68 percent come from diverse backgrounds. Nearly one in four have ties to the military, having served themselves or as dependents of a current or former service member, and ten out of the 50 selected are Latino. They are: Sandra Alarcon, Daniel Savala, Michelle Diaz, Sergio Banuelos, Marilu Duque, Christina Flores, Henry Gomez, Kathy Tangarife, Cristian Munoz, and Cash Forster.

Buick Achiever Marilu Duque from Deltona, FL.

Buick Achiever Marilu Duque from Deltona, FL.

To celebrate the combined achievements of the inaugural graduating class of Buick Achievers with the announcement of 2015 recipients, Diego Gonzalez, a Buick Achiever and 2015 San Diego State University graduate, teamed up with Buick last month to surprise high school senior Stewart Martin of Winston-Salem, N.C., with a $25,000 scholarship.

“Growing up, I loved racing. My dad told me about NASCAR engineers – and I chose that career path because it follows my dreams and it’s a way to connect with my father,” said Martin, whose father passed away when Stewart was a young child. “I’m so thankful for this scholarship. It brings me one step closer to following my dream.”

Martin plans to major in mechanical engineering at UNC Charlotte.

“The future of our country lies in technology and innovation and depends on a strong pipeline of highly skilled talent,” said GM Foundation Chairman Bob Ferguson. “Our scholarship program is helping bridge the gap between a skilled workforce and positions that companies are looking to fill.”

Buick Achiever Cash Forster from Purcell, OK.

Buick Achiever Cash Forster from Purcell, OK.

Since its inception in 2011, the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program has awarded more than $28 million in scholarships to more than 3,400 high school and undergraduate students nationwide. The scholarships are renewable for up to four years, with one additional year for students entering a qualified five-year engineering program.

“The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program has become one of the most impactful in the county, demonstrating our commitment to those students who excel while also giving back to their community,” said Duncan Aldred, U.S. vice president of Buick. “This graduating class serves as a testament to what this scholarship has done for so many students – put a college degree in hand, and set them on their way to further education or the start of their careers.”

Buick Achievers gives special consideration to females, minorities, first-generation college students, military veterans and military dependents.

Buick Achiever Kathy Tangarife from Lowell, MA.

Buick Achiever Kathy Tangarife from Lowell, MA.

General Motors and the GM Foundation have a long history of investing in education initiatives, investing more than $70 million since 2007. For example:

  • The GM Foundation provides approximately $3 million annually to key university partners and professional organizations to advance STEM curricula.
  • Last month, GM and the GM Foundation gifted $4 million to Kettering University to create dynamic automotive lab facilities that will provide a unique education for future engineers, scientists and industry leaders.

Click here for more information about the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program, to view the complete list of 2015 recipients, or to register for an e-mail notification when the next application window opens.