Jun 212016

Did you leave a career in the auto industry only to discover that you miss it? Latino Traffic Report has learned that General Motors will expand its popular twelve-week career re-entry internship this fall. Paid internships will begin in mid-September and will be available in GM’s information technology, manufacturing and engineering functions.

Take 2 is an opportunity for professionals with technical backgrounds who took a career break of two or more years and are interested in returning to the workforce. This 12-week “audition” will prepare experienced interns for a full-time career in one of several fields at GM through training, professional development and networking opportunities.

“The pilot of ten interns this spring was so successful, we jumped at the chance to utilize this program to add experienced IT team members to our organization,” said Sue Brann, chief administration officer at GM’s Austin Innovation Center.

The fall program will offer positions at GM’s southeast Michigan campuses, including Warren, Milford and Pontiac, as well as the company’s IT innovation center in Austin, Texas.

“As the executive sponsor of the Take 2 program, I am so pleased with how our organization has embraced the idea of welcoming experienced professionals into our company,” said Kristen Siemen, executive director, Global Thermal Engineering. “They bring an incredible breadth of experience, both professional and personal, to these positions. I look forward to expanding the program to other parts of our business in this next chapter.”

Available positions for the fall Take 2 program are currently posted. Interested applicants can visit the GM Careers website for more information.


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